

We point out the many ways brands have taken a wrong turn and the one way they can repair their reputations—and own their sh*t.

This business sucks

No matter how good your products, services or intentions are, nobody’s perfect. And the sooner you recognize that, the sooner you can use it to your advantage. So without further ado...
GOP (the Republican Party of
the United States)
These days, the “Grand Old Party” (GOP) conducts itself more like a (bad) business than a governmental body—and this is by design. The party lists itself as a business on sites like Glassdoor and Indeed, which makes sense given their continued prioritization of corporate fealty over Americans’ well-being.

Runners up

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Netflix may have won the early battles, but they’re losing the streaming wars. Recently, they upset their customers by hiking up prices and featuring programming many found tone-deaf. The stock price dive-bombed and they’re bleeding subscribers.
Twitter has been a cesspool of hate speech and harassment for years. But somehow, under Elon Musk’s brief tenure as its leader, the social media platform has further declined.
Last quarter’s Bad Business Awards winner received the distinction for hiking up prices and airing transphobic comedy specials. The ante has been officially upped, as the streaming giant, “The Crown” aside, continues its downward trajectory by attempting to soften the reputation of a cannibal (!).
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HTML 5 Web Component Fundamentals
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Mastering CSS 3 Flexbox With Real World Projects
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Full Stack Web Development with React Hooks and Redux

Winners Featured In 2022 (option 2)

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Winners Featured
In 2022 (option 1)

We hate to say it, but there’s more where that came from… In fact, there’s no shortage of companies behaving badly—and our past winners prove it. Find out how other brands have screwed up, letting down their employees, customers and communities.

Winners Featured
In 2022 (option 1)

We hate to say it, but there’s more where that came from… In fact, there’s no shortage of companies behaving badly—and our past winners prove it. Find out how other brands have screwed up, letting down their employees, customers and communities.
Spreading lies and propaganda is something you’d expect from a media outlet in a tinpot dictatorship—not from the most-viewed network in the world’s largest democracy. Will Fox News ever be held accountable for its egregious disregard of journalistic ethics?
It’s long been known that when retail juggernaut Walmart moves to town, competing stores in the area will be driven out of business. And with profit prioritized over employees, the effect on the community it supposedly serves can be devastating.
As the biggest Hollywood powerhouse of our time, you’d hope that Disney would also be a leader in championing social justice. But when it comes to taking a brave stance, the entertainment provider is as meek as a mouse.

Winners Featured In 2022 (option 3)

We hate to say it, but there’s more where that came from… In fact, there’s no shortage of companies behaving badly—and our past winners prove it. Find out how other brands have screwed up, letting down their employees, customers and communities.


We love calling brands out on their sh*t as much as the next person…but only if we have a good reason for doing so. To determine our Bad Business Awards winners and runners up, we scour the web to figure out which brands are most getting on peoples’ nerves. Once that’s done, shortlisted companies are ranked based on:

We do this using their Trustpilot and Better Business Bureau ratings, Indeed Work Happiness scores, CSRHUB and MSCI ESG ratings, and other metrics. The brands with the lowest average scores across all three of the above categories wind up here.

The best way to avoid landing on this list? Take the criticism your brand receives to heart, respond authentically and keep asking for more feedback. At Vox Populi Registry, we believe .SUCKS domains can help with this. Every company will face the wrath of disgruntled employees, customers and competitors at some point or another—but the successful ones have a strategy that helps them use it to their advantage.


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