
This Business

Past winners and runner ups

These days, the “Grand Old Party” (GOP) conducts itself more like a (bad) business than a governmental body—and this is by design...

Twitter has been a cesspool of hate speech and harassment for years. But somehow, under Elon Musk’s brief tenure as its leader...

Last quarter’s Bad Business Awards winner received the distinction for hiking up prices and airing transphobic comedy specials...

Netflix may have won the early battles, but they’re losing the streaming wars. Recently, they upset their customers by hiking up prices...

JPMorgan Chase became a household name after participating in often-illegal business practices that led to the 2007-2010 mortgage crisis...

Boeing, the world’s largest aerospace company for all your commercial, defense and space exploration needs. Unfortunately...

Spreading lies and propaganda is something you’d expect from a media outlet in a tinpot dictatorship—not from the most-viewed network...

It’s long been known that when retail juggernaut Walmart moves to town, competing stores in the area will be driven out of business...

As the biggest Hollywood powerhouse of our time, you’d hope that Disney would also be a leader in championing social justice...

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